Days 99-101- Staying anchored and Studying

We have been enjoying staying in 1 spot for a few days, the anchorage at Big Majors is really starting to fill up. Last night we went to the beach to meet some fellow cruisers, we planned on a beach fire but forgot the lighter on the boat… maybe next time. Also we are getting back into a fitness routine, mainly just push ups and sprints on the beach, but it is better than nothing i guess. Barb (aka the Blue Pelican) has started doing yoga on the beach while i am doing my routine.

Today is a little rainy so I am continuing my courses that i have enrolled in, my plan when the weather is not great is to take as many classes and read as much as i can on the changing regulations and new technologies in my career choices. You would think that a trip like this , that you would want to forget about work life, but we do have to work more in our life, so why not be more prepared. Also on these rainy days, Barb continues to read , she read about 40 books so far.

That is just a quick glimpse of our day while not exploring the islands, hopefully the weather clears out and we can get some more good pictures and stories for everyone to read.